Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Energy Production

Energy is a concept at the center of scientific discipline. For example, a bottle of water can produce about enough energy to power a house. Chemist Dan Nocera expressed how he can photosynthesis process. His reaction uses sunlight to convert the energy. The energy that he uses is carbon dioxide and water. Nocera said he has no problem with seeing a house that can make its own electricity. Even though Nocera is cheap, it doesn't have problems. Nocera can produce 30 kilowatt hours of energy. The process can also create energy to hydrogen. The process can also be remade to generate electricity.


Fox, S. March 4, 2010. http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-03/video-artificial-photosynthesis-produces-enough-energy-power-house-one-bottle-water. Accessed Jan 2015. 


  1. I learned a lot in your blog about energy. Great blog samie solar

  2. If it can power houses, why aren't we using it? What's the hold up? Any thoughts? You mentioned that Nocera was cheap and that it doesn't have problems. What do you mean by that? Did you mean water was cheap and that it doesn't have problems? What kind of problems are we talking about? Lots of questions to think about.
